It is not fermented during production, but under suitable storage conditions, the longer it is stored, the greater the room for quality transformation.

The dry tea color is dark green, the soup color is yellow-green, the taste is strong, and the taste is slightly astringent.

Raw tea is rich in tea polyphenols, cold in nature, has the effects of lowering fat, clearing heat, relieving heat, detoxifying, quenching thirst, promoting body fluids, digesting food, and laxative. It is suitable for young people, but raw tea has more active ingredients, so people who are prone to insomnia, People with cold and fever, patients with gastric ulcer and pregnant women should not drink it.

Clear away heat and detoxify, diuresis and dampness, lose weight and nourish the stomach,  improve constipation, etc.

Pu-erh tea is mainly graded according to the age of the tea tree, the year of storage, and the production area. Pu-erh tea from an ancient tree that is hundreds of years old is far more precious than a tea tree that is decades old.

Store in a clean, ventilated, dry, sun-exposed, odor-free and pollution-free environment.

Generally 3-20 years.

①The water temperature of Pu-erh tea is very important, the water temperature of Pu-erh tea should be controlled between 90 – 100 degrees.
②Under normal circumstances, Pu-erh tea should not exceed 10 grams per day, and avoid drinking tea on an empty stomach, preferably one hour after a meal.
③It is best to use a Kungfu tea set when brewing Pu-erh tea.
④Patients with insomnia should drink less, especially before going to bed.

It is more than 70% fermented during production, but under suitable storage conditions, the longer it is stored, the greater the room for quality transformation.

The color of dry tea is brown, the color of tea soup is reddish brown, the taste is soft, and the aftertaste is sweet.

Tea is mild in nature, can lower blood fat, lower blood pressure, prevent arteriosclerosis, prevent constipation, diuresis, and nourish the stomach. It is suitable for most people, especially middle-aged and elderly people and people with cold stomach.

Clear away heat and detoxify, diuresis and dampness, lose weight and nourish the stomach,  improve constipation, etc.

Pu-erh tea is mainly graded according to the age of the tea tree, the year of storage, and the production area. Pu-erh tea from an ancient tree that is hundreds of years old is far more precious than a tea tree that is decades old.

Store in a clean, ventilated, dry, sun-exposed, odor-free and pollution-free environment.

Generally 3-20 years.

①The water temperature of Pu-erh tea is very important, the water temperature of Pu-erh tea should be controlled between 95 – 100 degrees.
②Under normal circumstances, Pu-erh tea should not exceed 10 grams per day, and avoid drinking tea on an empty stomach, preferably one hour after a meal.
③It is best to use a Kungfu tea set when brewing Pu-erh tea.