Tea is not the fresher, the better

Many people think that drinking tea is good for health, and that tea must also buy the freshest. But Chinese medicine experts said that the view of “the more fresh the tea is, the better” is a misunderstanding.

There are more than 500 kinds of tea compounds. Although most of the compounds in tea are beneficial to the human body, there are also some compounds slightly stimulating. From the perspective of nutrition, the freshest tea is not necessarily the best. Because the so -called new tea refers to the picked tea that is less than one month. Because these tea leaves have not gone through the complete oxidation and fermentation process, there will be more harmful substances left,such as polyphenols, alcohols, and aldehyde. It will have a strong stimulating effect on the human gastrointestinal mucosa, which is not good for health.

In addition, the content of tea polyphenols and caffeine in new tea is high, and it is easy to stimulate the stomach. Too fresh tea is even worse for patients. For example, some people with lack of gastric acid, or patients with senile chronic gastric ulcers, are more not suitable for drinking new tea. New tea will stimulate their gastric mucosa, cause gastrointestinal discomfort, and even aggravate the condition.

Therefore, if tea friends like to drink new tea, they must not rush to drink more after buying tea. They should store it for half a month. Polyphenols, aldehydes, alcohol substances in the tea are volatilized or oxidized, caffeine, alkaloids Or after the activity of aromatherapy is reduced, drinking may be more good for the human body at this time, and the tea taste is softer,and the tea drinking should be in moderate amount.
